General and Specialized Veterinary Surgery

If your pet needs surgery, we can understand your initial feelings of apprehension. But rest assured Companion Animal Clinic & Pet Resort takes every precaution possible to keep your pet safe before, during and after surgery. Our highly experienced veterinarians and skilled nursing staff utilize advanced anesthesia, monitoring, and pain management techniques to provide our patients with the safest and most comfortable surgical experience in the Cedar Valley.
Surgical Preparation and Safety
We take EVERY surgical procedure seriously and have some very strict protocols put into place to be certain your pet is kept safe and healthy before, during and after surgery. These include:

Pre-surgical blood work recommendation to screen your pet prior to surgery to ensure they can adequately tolerate anesthesia and are a good candidate for the procedure.
An exam on all new pets and a current well exam on our current patients to ensure they are healthy enough to tolerate anesthesia.
Pre-surgical sedation to relieve anxiety and preemptively prevent pain that may come with surgery.
Intravenous catheter to ensure we have access in an emergency situation as well as to provide fluids during anesthesia to maintain a good blood pressure
Using the safest and most effective gas for anesthesia
Patients are closely monitored during their procedure with a technician with advanced equipment including an EKG, pulse oximetry, blood pressure, esophageal stethoscope and a temperature probe
Heating source during anesthesia to keep them warm the entire procedure using the patented Hog Dog system
Post-surgical pain management for all of our pets
Offer post-surgical laser therapy to help reduce surgical inflammation and encourage quicker healing times
Surgery Health Requirements
Dogs: up-to-date on rabies and distemper vaccine
- Cats: up-to-date on rabies and FVRCP vaccine
Require an exam on all new pets and up-to-date well exam on current patients

Our expertly trained veterinarians perform scheduled surgeries multiple days per week while emergencies are performed immediately whenever necessary.
Spay and Neuter Surgery
Both of these surgeries are a must for your pet's preventative wellness. They are designed to help dramatically reduce the risk of cancer in your pet as well as help prevent roaming and aggressive behavior.
This surgery is preventative (during a spay or neuter) and can potentially save your pet's life by preventing a fatal stomach twist. Our veterinarians will permanently tack your pet's the stomach to the body wall.
Dental Surgery
If your pet suffers from severely damaged or infected teeth, dental surgery may be necessary as this can preserve the surrounding, vital teeth. If you pet suffers from oral cancer, our surgeons can remove the cancer and determine if you pet needs referral for next steps.
Consult With Us
Please feel free to contact us at any time if you have questions, concerns or need a second opinion about your pet's condition. We make certain our clients are fully educated on all treatment options regarding their pet's surgery. Before your pet is discharged, you will receive thorough instruction about post-surgical care. Its important to us that your pet is comfortable at home while they recover. Call 319-277-2354 or click the button below.

Orthopedic Surgery
We bring a board certified Orthopedic and soft tissue surgeon to our clinic for advanced surgeries, such as ACL repair (TPLO), preventative hip procedures (TPO), end stage ear surgeries, fracture repairs, anal gland removal.
Internal/External Surgical Treatment
Pets need surgery for a variety of internal or externals issues that threatens their health. We surgically remove tumors both inside and outside of the body, repair damaged organs and help provide C-sections during labor.