Stop Disease Before it Starts with Pet Vaccines

Vaccines are intended to trigger the immune system and help our pets prepare to fight future infections. Pet vaccines vary among species and our veterinarians take into consideration a number of factors including:
Where does the pet live within the United States?
How often and where does the pet travel?
Does the pet go to a groomer, dog park and/or kennel?
If the pet is a cat, does it go outside or live among another cat?
Recommended Vaccinations
We recommend both canine and feline pets are vaccinated for their own safety
Distemper combo
We can also discuss non-core vaccines that are more relative to your lifestyle: Leptospirosis and Lyme
We can discuss lifestyle vaccines such as the Leukemia
In order to protect the health and safety of all of the pets at the veterinary clinic and grooming, we require a current exam and the required vaccinations above.